Full Circle
Full Circle
Leslie Hecht Eudowe: Posted on Thursday, June 16, 2016 4:58 PM
From infancy I was visiting family on Hillside Avenue. My greatest memory of that time was walking across the street in my water shoes with my grandma and my tante in their black bathing suits to go take a "dunk" in the water. I can still see them in my mind and it always makes me smile. Then there were the summer days spent on Anchor Beach with teens from all over the area. Those were the best summers ever. Harmless fun at the beach with a bunch of great people - many of whom I still have contact with. And little did I know that as an adult I would bump in to a guy who visited his relatives on Hillside Avenue those same years I was visiting and we would get married and end up living on Hillside Avenue as a family. Talk about coming full circle!
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